Please note:

In the following situations, approval from the office indicated below is required:
If you are a public servant and need:

  1. Access to the entire RSA, you need National Treasury Approval.
  2. Clustered data.(e.g.all Health departments in RSA), you need National Treasury Approval.
  3. Provincial data of your own province, you need approval from the applicable Provincial Treasury.
  4. Data of more than one application(HR + Fin + Supply Chain), you need CFO approval applicable to your department.

  • Please contact our Call Desk at 012 - 657 4444 if you need more information in this regard.
  • You will be notified via e - mail as soon as the electronic approval was received and your request has been processed.

Register a Public Servant:


Sphere you work for:

Responsibility in Department

Information Requested:

CFO Information: